La Sonnambula premiere and role debut
So very excited to debut my first Amina. IN BOCCA AL LUPO TUTTI! Yellow wedding Using the elements, earth, air, water and fire. Below:...
Magic Flute in Space over and out!
Bye bye Queen of the Night 2015/2016! It was a run out of this world - oxboard, alien fish-suit, electronic enchancing, flying in the air...
Space cantine
Just a normal day eating supper in the cantine. Kjetil Støa/Monostatos Thor-Inge Falch /Geharnischter 1, Jens-Erik Aasbø /Sarastro...
The Queen of the Night meets the Diva from 5th element
Singing Queen of the Night at the moment... The makeup is pretty awesome...!
Queen of Oxboard
Apparently I am singing "O zittre nicht" on this thing! What is it?! An oxboard. A couple of bruises have come my way, as I am now...